Community Services and Partnerships

"Making Our Own Heroes from Cradle to Career"

Vienna High School 13-3 works with a variety of partners, on a number of projects, that together build a better Southern Illinois. 

We believe that Vienna High School cannot simply be a 9 to 3 institution in the 21st century, but instead is moving toward providing full-service community schooling to all ages from birth to adulthood. In the essence of other community schools and AASA's Learning 2025: National Commission on Student-Centered, Equity-Focused Education, we have pioneered a community vision around these four key pillars.

1. Provide a Systemic Culture Around Holistic Student Support for All Students.
2. Provide Extended Learning Time and Opportunities for Growth Outside of the Classroom.
3. Focus on Family and Community Engagement, with Equity for Traditionally Marginalized Populations.
4. Connect Resources to Students Through Collaborative Leadership

Dean of System Programs

Phillip Hosfeldt

Dean of System Programs

618-658-4461 ext. 257